
StarClan cats are cats that have died and are now watching over the Clans from above. You can just say your in StarClan right when you join or you could die and become StarClan. Not all cats come here. Only the good ones do. The bad ones go to the Dark Forest. StarClan does not have a leader. StarClan is one but it may have a few leaders in it but there is never a leader of it. StarClan cats can ask other living cats if they can share dreams when they sleep but it's not in the RP so say it in ( ). The cats sharing the dream with StarClan will RP on the StarClan page. Everyone shares StarClan cats so that means anyone can RP as everyone except for WishStar. She is only played by the owner.

StarClan leaders:WishStar - She can not be shared

StarClan warriors: None

StarClan apprentices: None

StarClan kits: None

StarClan elders: None

StarClan medicine cats: Leafdrift

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