
These are the rules of this website. Just a few rules won't change the fun in this. I don't want anyone to feel left out, hurt, or uncomfortable on this website. More rules may be added later. Remember we can remove cats from the list!

1. No swear words, spamming or other bad stuff like that. Warrior insults are fine like mouse-brain, fish-face and so on. No putting * to cross out letters of bad words just use regular language.

2. No over powering your cat. Your cat can be better at fighting than hunting, better at hunting than fighting, or just be good at both at the same level. You can't be be extremely great at fighting and great at hunting. All you have to be is better at one or both the same. You can't be super fast or super strong either.

3. The admins are me, Enchanted Cat and Wolfyhearty. No trying to trick other people by pretending to me an admin. This will change later so keep an eye on this so you know who's in charge. No asking to be an admin either. Begging and asking is not ok.

4. You can have up to 2 kits. Know one wants to be confused. You have to be your own kit if no one wants to be your kit. You be up to 2 apprentices, 1 warrior, and 1 elder. The deputy will be chosen by the leader. If you beg or even ask you will probably not get chosen. Same goes for the medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice. The admins will choose. Only ask  once if you want to be it. You have to know all the herbs and you will get a test.

5. You have to accept if you die or get hurt. You can still live on in StarClan. No crying about how you died because that means you would want to stay alive forever and it wouldn't be fair for others. You can't dodge everything and you can't hit someone every time. You only get to dodge 2 attacks per cat you fight.

6. Don't give out personal info. No one wants this to turn into a sharing website. If someone knows your personal info leave a comment and we will try to find out how they got it.

7. You can't start war for no reason. If your bored lead a patrol. Something might come up. Ask your leader before going on a patrol.

8. The leader decides when things happen like battles, hunting patrols (the deputy can do that to) and ceremonies. Simply ask once for you or someone else have a ceremony like getting an apprentice name or warrior name.

9. You only ask once to become a mentor. You can't decide who. Apprentices can't ask to be a warrior. Your mentor decides that.

10. Not too much stuff can happen at one time. 5 cats can't be going to other Clan camps at one time unless your together to go somewhere.

11. We can remove any cat from the list. If you aren't on for awhile we will delete you if you haven't told us you wouldn't be on in a while. We can also delete you for doing bad things. If you break the rules you get a warning. Second time you do it you get another warning. Third time you do it you are deleted.

12. You can pretend that your mate died and can still be a queen. If you already have a mate that mate has to either stop loving you or be dead or out of the clans for you to get another.

13. You can be exiled by your leader but the leader has to ask us first. You can be a kittypet, rouge, loner, or a cat from another Clan after that. You can not go back to your original Clan unless we know you learned your lesson. If we see you do anything bad again that can get you exiled, you officially can't go to that Clan again.

14. You can start your own group if you talk to the admins about it. If they think it's ok you describe it and we will make it.

15. Please use the same nickname for all of chat boxes so we don't get confused. DO NOT copy any of the admins nicknames. We will find out if it's not the admin and remove your cat and maybe never let you on again.

16. Please follow the warrior code and these rules, be safe, and have fun!

To join a Clan just go to Wishstar's den and say the name of the cat, the rank, and what Clan.

When you rp you can use this way to do an action *walks into camp* and to say something not in the rp do it like this (Hey guys when is my warrior ceremony?) and when you talk in the rp just type regularly.

Remember we can delete anybody from your Clan list.

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